TunnelBear in China

2024年9月2日—Still,ifyouinsistonusingafreeVPN,tryTunnelBear.It'soneoftheonlyVPNswithafreeplanthatactuallyworksinChina—anditsfree ...,TunnelBearhasserversin47countriesthataccessserviceslikeNetflixandAmazonPrime,allowingforsafelystreamingfromChina....。參考影片的文章的如下:


5 Best VPN for China in 2024 — 100% Working & Secure

2024年9月2日 — Still, if you insist on using a free VPN, try TunnelBear. It's one of the only VPNs with a free plan that actually works in China — and its free ...

5 Best VPNs for China in 2024

TunnelBear has servers in 47 countries that access services like Netflix and Amazon Prime, allowing for safely streaming from China. TunnelBear has competitive ...

8 Best VPN For China 2024 (Still Working in September 2024!)

2024年9月2日 — TunnelBear is one of the only free VPNs that actually work in China. Plus, it's great that its free version provides access to all of the VPN's ...

TunnelBear Removes Hong Kong Servers

2020年7月13日 — We've disabled TunnelBear's Hong Kong servers while we assess the implications of the new Chinese security law.

TunnelBear Review 2024

Does TunnelBear work in China? Yes, TunnelBear works in China at the moment. Not only does TunnelBear offer a server in Hong Kong that can be used to access ...

TunnelBear Review

2022年8月29日 — Yes, TunnelBear does work in China. While it doesn't appear to be putting a lot of resources into enabling access to streaming services, it does ...

TunnelBear Works in China But Only if You Do This

TunnelBear works in 47 countries and one of them is Hong Kong. If you're traveling to China, you can connect to their Hong Kong servers to bypass the great ...

【大陸VPN】8大免費+付費大陸VPN推薦內地翻牆成功率+網 ...

3 天前 — ... 。 2. TunnelBear. 連線成功率:60%. 網速:尚可. 1mj1g12000bh4m8tfB0F3.png. TunnelBear提供多達22個國家可選,也是適合內地翻牆使用的大陸VPN。

在App Store 上的「TunnelBear

TunnelBear is a simple VPN app that helps you browse the Internet ... It can be used for free but unfortunately it doesn't work in mainland China.


2024年9月2日—Still,ifyouinsistonusingafreeVPN,tryTunnelBear.It'soneoftheonlyVPNswithafreeplanthatactuallyworksinChina—anditsfree ...,TunnelBearhasserversin47countriesthataccessserviceslikeNetflixandAmazonPrime,allowingforsafelystreamingfromChina.TunnelBearhascompetitive ...,2024年9月2日—TunnelBearisoneoftheonlyfreeVPNsthatactuallyworkinChina.Plus,it'sgreatthatitsfreeversionprovidesaccesstoallo...